Dear Nolan,
Oh you are growing so quickly! Yesterday you turned 5 months old, and left Mama wondering where time has gone? You are really starting to develop a sweet, little personality. Your laugh is contagious, and your constant baby babble melts my heart. A few of your likes....
Your comfort blanket is an absolute must to sleep through the night. It's a cute little football, and you love to chew on it....
You have loved your moose toy for awhile....
When I lay you down on your changing table, you immediately start kicking your legs like crazy! It's comical, because you don't stop the entire time I'm changing you. Which has made for some interesting diaper changes. Haha.
We got to see your cousin Kaden last weekend, and you still aren't too sure about him yet....
You met Santa, but you were zonked out from milk....
You love to be nestled into our Boba wrap. Especially if we are someplace new...(Can't wait to try our new Beco carrier...Santa is bringing it...)
I don't have a picture of it, but you love music. We listen to countless hours of "Lindsey Sterling" pandora channel (she's a violinist), and we like the Disney pandora channel during bathtime.
You also LOVE to watch Baby Einstein. Anytime, anywhere. For example, we had to wait in a long line at the post office the other day, and when you started to fuss, I played it on my phone, and you were pleased as punch.
Of course there are things you don't absolutely hate 'tummy time.' I can distract you with a toy for a few seconds, then you take matters into your own hands, and roll over onto your back. Sometimes in your sleep, you will roll from your back to your belly, and that's the only time you will wake up crying.
A recent development is throwing yourself into hysterics if your bottle isn't ready in time. During these frantic moments is the only time I wish we had a normal breastfeeding relationship. But we rock the pump. This usually happens when you are also really tired. It makes Mama and Papa a nervous wreck! Thankfully, it doesn't happen too often.
I can't believe we are already 5 months into this parenting thing. I honestly can't imagine life without my sweet boy. Since having you I've slept less, worried about even the smallest nuisances, learned how to make coffee with one hand, and basically stopped wearing makeup. But I've grown so much as a person. I have more patience, am more observant, and truly cherish quiet time with Jake (and with myself). There isn't a day I don't thank Heavenly Father for making me your Mama. Can't wait to see what new thing you'll do next!
All my love forever,